Privacy Policy


We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online, protecting your personal data and working in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. This Privacy Policy has been developed to deal with issues that may concern you. Please read the Privacy Policy to understand how your personal information will be treated. 

This policy may change from time to time so please check it periodically.

What data do we collect?

We only collect information that’s necessary to carry out our business.

This is not an exhaustive list and we may retain different types of information for different individuals based on the service we are providing. 

Information we hold about you might include:

  • information you provide us in an online form (for example, your name and contact details, postcode, age, feedback about our work).

  • communications with us (for example, using the contact form on our website or by email).

  • information about your purchases, event attendance and interactions with our communications – including the information available through the services we use to do this, currently Mailchimp and Stripe.

  • information you send to us by email, via our website or otherwise (e.g. your CV, information about your work).

  • your publicly available social media activity or analytics on you provided by social media platforms e.g. Twitter handle, posts and location.

The details you provide about yourself and any information which identifies you; such as your name, address, email address, telephone number, country of residence and credit and debit card details (“Personal Information”) will only be retained by us if you provide this information when using one of the services available on our website, such as purchasing a course subscribing to our mailing list. 

Why do we collect your personal information, and how will it be used?

Personal Information will be held and used for a variety of lawful bases as described in the General Data Protection Act:

Because we have your consent

  • To email you regarding bookings for our courses – according to what marketing communications you have agreed to. For example:

    • To communicate with you about ourselves, our work, that we think you might find interesting, and opportunities to get involved with us.

Because there is a legitimate interest

  • Personalising your experience of our website and/or communications you receive from us.

  • Manage our organisation effectively and continually improve what we do.

  • Develop our relationship with you as someone who may want to collaborate with us.

  • Inform future programming of courses.

  • From time to time we conduct surveys and promotions and may request information from you as part of these. Participation in these is entirely voluntary and you therefore have a choice whether or not to disclose any information which might be required. We reserve the right to keep a record of survey data on our database.

Third Parties

The Personal Information you supply when you join our mailing list will be used by LVL/UP to keep you up-to-date with events and courses hosted or produced by LVL/UP.

Although we sometimes will tell you about work from others, we won’t pass information we hold about you to them – unless you explicitly give us your permission.

In order to process a transaction, your Personal Information and card details may be passed to third party service providers. Card details will only be used for the purpose of handling an individual transaction and cannot be accessed by LVL/UP past the initial transaction.

Log Files

Every time someone visits our website a log file is generated on our computer. 

The log file records the time and date of your visit, the files that were requested, your IP (Internet Protocol) address, the referrer URL (if provided) and the browser version. We collect this information to help us diagnose problems and administer our systems and to audit the geographical make-up of users and how they have arrived at our site; that is, from what other sites have visitors arrived – this information being obtained from the referrer URL. 

We do not normally link IP addresses to anything personally identifiable, which means that you remain anonymous even though we include your IP address in our aggregate information. However, we can and will attempt to use IP addresses to identify a user when we feel it is necessary to enforce compliance with our terms and conditions, or to protect our services and other users.

Users Under 18

If you are under 18, please ensure that you obtain your parent/guardian’s consent beforehand whenever you provide Personal Information to the website. Users without such consent are not allowed to provide us with Personal Information.

How long do we retain your information?

We will only keep your personal information in accordance with the data protection law for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes we collected it for, including for the purposes of satisfying any legal, accounting, or reporting requirements. Where your information is no longer required, we will ensure it is disposed of, deleted or cached in a secure manner.

To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorised use or disclosure of the information, the purposes for which we process your personal information and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements.

How do we protect your information?

We take every precaution to protect your information. To this end all Personal Information stored by us is kept on a server in a secure environment. Only our team and approved contractors/developers we may appoint from time to time and who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information.

Regular security reviews are held by us to ensure that the site remains safe and secure for your protection.

LVL/UP does not sell data to third parties or allow third parties to sell on data where data is shared with them.

How can I revise my personal information?

If you would like to revise the information provided to us at any time, or feel what we currently have on record is incorrect, you may update the information by emailing

Or alternatively you can choose to unsubscribe from a mailing list directly from a LVL/UP mailing list email.

We may contact you from time to time to ask you for further information in order to update our records or for particular purposes. We will always tell you how we will use any further information received from you. From time to time we will need to send you our website and service announcement updates.

To tailor our communications and make our contact with you relevant, we use data supplied by you to help us decide which of our services and products to promote to you. If you have accepted analysis and advertising cookies we may also use your browsing behaviour on our websites for the same purpose.

How can I request a copy of personal information that you hold?

You can request full details of personal information we hold about you under The General Data Protection Regulation, by contacting us using the email details listed below. 

At any time you have the right to ask LVL/UP to amend or to stop how it uses your personal information including for marketing purposes. You can also do this by emailing using our contact details below. 

You have the right to get information held about you by us corrected. If you have any concerns about the accuracy of your personal data, please let us know using the below contact details. If you would like us to remove the personal information we hold about you, please contact us using the email below.

By email:

You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority, The Information Commissioner’s Office:

How do I find further information?

Further information on data protection regulations can be found here: